Monday, January 14, 2008

Moving Update and Andy

I know. I know. Posting 2 times so close to each other is a miracle! haha. But I got more information about the house so I figured I would let you guys know. We're not going to be getting that house. It's not the one the my mom really likes. So we're just waiting now..I guess. I really have no idea what's going on. Things are very confusing and we're taking it day by day and for anyone that really knows me, knows how hard that is for me. I like to know what's happening and what's going, and I am not patient at all. I guess this is God saying, "Here you go Hannah. Here's your chance to practice patience." All I know right now is that I'm going to school at least through Friday, then we have to see what happens. The projected move date is the weekend after next. But that'll probably change tomorrow the way that things are going right now.

On Saturday afternoon, I went to the Salvation Army with Sam, Anna, Donna, and Delaney and we fed the homeless. There was a guy, Andy, there who told us pretty much his life story. haha. But sometimes I guess people just need someone to listen to him. He has had an amazing life. He had horrible times, close to death times, and heart-warming times. Through it all though, he praised God. He was an alcoholic for years and now his is 10 years sober. I mean, his story is just amazing. I loved talking to him and listening to his story about all that he's endured. He asked Anna and I why were we there. He said, "It's a Saturday night. You girls should be out on dates. Wouldn't you be anywhere else?" and we said, "Of course not." He was a such a cool guy and I wish I could see him again. He asked us to pray for him and his back. If his back doesn't straighten up, then he was to have surgery and he really doesn't want to have to have surgery. So just remember him in your prayers please.