Sunday, October 29, 2006


Hey guys!! So School's still going really well!! Its getting harder and harder though..We just finished the 1st nine weeks!! Only 3 more to go!! Volleyball's over now! I'm pretty sad about that =(..We finished 5th out of 8 in the county...I think..This weekend my youth group put on a retreat for two other youth groups down in Virginia!! It went sooooooo well!!!!! We met some people and we became friends very quickly! It was so sad to see them leave today...Some people started crying...It was sooo much fun! I loved it and I can't believe its over!! So I think my mom and I know what we're doing with our Kingdom Assignment! There's a domestic violence shelter over in Marietta, Ohio for women and kids that have been abused..My mom called and asked if they needed anything and they said that they were running low in their budget right now and that they needed some specific things...So we're going to take $100 and buy supplies and with the other $100 we're just going to give it to them and tell them to put it aside for Christmas so the kids can get presents!! I'm soooooo happy with what we decided to do! I'm excited to hear what everyone else is going to do with their money!! Its exciting to hear some stories right now!! Well leave comments! They make me smile!! <333 Hannah Elise

Sunday, October 22, 2006

Sad....but true =)

My cousin sent this to me in and email and I laughed a lot at it because it's true!! Hope you like it!! Leave comments!! <333 ------You know you're a Church of Christ if... --You have a relative, friend, or mentor at Harding. --You know what Fort God and/or Six Flags over Jesus is. --Your bible comes equipped with your birthday, name in gold, and date of baptism. --What do you mean instruments in worship? --You have a poster of Jeff Walling. --You stand next to a hot guy incase you have to "hug, hug a friend, hug a friend next to ya." --Your ‘‘what I did last summer essay” involves Mexican children, VBS, or building houses. --Bikini is not in your vocabulary. --15+ hour bus trips are a way of life. --Retreat romances are not uncommon. --Yes, vegetables can talk…. And sing! --Instead of playing homemaker, you played communion --Your Sunday lunch motto is ‘’Beat the Baptist’’ --The closest you get to dancing is when you sing “you have turned my mourning into dancing!’’ --Instrumental music leads to dancing, and dancing leads to making babies! --You own at least one shirt with a bible verse on it. --You own Harding, Abeliene, Freed, or Lipscomb apparel. --You get laughed at when you explain you’re past/future college… and all its rules.. --You grew up thinking contribution was part of the Lord's Supper. --You know the 1st, 2nd and 4th verses to nearly every song in the book. --You were 18 years old before you knew that "guardguideanddirectus" was not one word. --You know exactly what song I'm talking about when I ask you to turn to number 728b. --You immediately reach for your wallet when you hear the phrase, "Now, separate and apart from the Lord's Supper..." --When asked to bring a symbol of your religion to elementary school, you brought a casseroll. --You always carry an extra mint or a piece of gum for "after communion." --You have no idea what "mixed/co-ed swimming" is. --Deciphering Elizabethan voice in English literature / Shakespeare is no problem due to years of reading the KJV . . . --Your hands (not the rest of your body) have ever been blessed for preparing the meal. --You can quote Acts 2:38. --You adamantly believe that the name of this list should scripturally be, "You know you're a member of the church of Christ if . . ." --You grew up playing "baptism" as one of your swimming pool games. --You use "Freed" as a noun, not a verb. --You've been told "That's my pew" by someone older than your grandmother. --You think "progressive" refers to those in the church who want a sound system and PowerPoint. --You've been to a wedding or a funeral where "the invitation" was offered. --You're about to tell a friend at church about the new Casting Crowns CD you got, but then the oldest elder at your church sits down in the pew behind you and you say, "I'll tell you later." --You don't have to ask where Lubbuck, Abilene, Searcy, or Henderson are. --Your granddaddy was an elder, your dad is an elder, your uncle is an elder, and your brother is scared. --Your younger sister is commenting on Swiss cheese and you break out in "Holy, Holy, Holy." --You know what it's like to wear a swimsuit, a (DARK!!!) t-shirt, and (DARK) knee-length shorts in the water (and shoes, where applicable). --Your church refused to hold a wedding because they wanted instrumental music and dancing at the reception. --After any baptism, you pause uncomfortably and look around before you clap to make certain that you're not the only one. --You have heard Jeff Walling give the same sermon at different events with a few years in between. --You have never seen the first half of the Super Bowl. --You have bets on which youth group couples will get married first. --You sign all letters, e-mails, love notes, and Facebook messages 'In Him' or 'With Christian Love'." --Don McLaughlin is your hero. --You've seen someone pitch a song with a tuning fork. --When you see a ball of yarn, you know everything's about to get warm and fuzzy.... tears will be involved. --You can only recite the books of the bible if they're to the old familiar Sunday school melodies. --Your youth group goes everywhere in a 15 passenger van. --People avoid the front row because that is reserved for the sinners who need to repent after the sermon. --You know the sermon is just about over by the sound of people shuffling pages, looking for the invitation song. --You feel the need to have 4-part harmony in EVERY song you sing... even Happy Birthday. --Every sermon you've ever heard ends with "...while we stand and sing." --You rekindle old friendships just to get towards the front of the potluck line. (Yeah, you know you've done it.) --You have been warned about your consideration of Lipscomb and Pepperdine.

Monday, October 09, 2006

My life and a Kingdom Assignment

well well well...Let's see...Life's been going really well lately!! We won the homecoming game of course! So we're still undefeated!!! School's still pretty gets harder and harder every single week..Algebra's about to kill me...I don't understand it at all..I got all A's on my midterm though so I'm very very happy about that!! Volleyball's ok...We've only won 2 matches so that stinks..We should be able to win our next two though...There's only two weeks left then it's tournament time!! I'm excited for the tournament!!! We going to show everyone who we really are!! About a month ago, about 100 or more people from church accepted a Kingdom Assignment...That Sunday at church, Kevin Lombard asked if anyone was ready for an assignment from God..if you were, you went up to the front..When you got up there, they handed you a $100 bill...The rules were simple 1) The money is God's, NOT yours 2) You have 90 days to use the money to further the Kingdom of God 3) At the end of the 90 days, you will report back to the congregation and tell what you did with the money. My mom and I accepted the $100 and we have an idea of what we're going to do with it but we're not positive...Please, please, PLEASE, pray for us!! We need God to show us what he wants us to do with his money! There are sooo many things we could do with it, but it's what ever God wants us to do. Also pray for the other 100 people who accepted the assignment!! It's a hard decision to decide what you are going to do with God's money! Thanks for all the comments!! I love to see that people are actually reading it!! Leave me lots and lots of comments!! They make me happy!! <33 Hannah Elise P.S.- I might post some pics later so check back to see if I do!