Sunday, October 29, 2006


Hey guys!! So School's still going really well!! Its getting harder and harder though..We just finished the 1st nine weeks!! Only 3 more to go!! Volleyball's over now! I'm pretty sad about that =(..We finished 5th out of 8 in the county...I think..This weekend my youth group put on a retreat for two other youth groups down in Virginia!! It went sooooooo well!!!!! We met some people and we became friends very quickly! It was so sad to see them leave today...Some people started crying...It was sooo much fun! I loved it and I can't believe its over!! So I think my mom and I know what we're doing with our Kingdom Assignment! There's a domestic violence shelter over in Marietta, Ohio for women and kids that have been abused..My mom called and asked if they needed anything and they said that they were running low in their budget right now and that they needed some specific things...So we're going to take $100 and buy supplies and with the other $100 we're just going to give it to them and tell them to put it aside for Christmas so the kids can get presents!! I'm soooooo happy with what we decided to do! I'm excited to hear what everyone else is going to do with their money!! Its exciting to hear some stories right now!! Well leave comments! They make me smile!! <333 Hannah Elise


Tiffany Rose said...

sounds like a wonderful way to spend the money! Good choice girls! :) Also, I love your new pic! What a great serve! :)

Drue said...

Nice Picture. I Know what you mean about school getting harder and harder. And I agree with you 100%!!! This sounds like a good way to spend money. I'm very proud of you and can't wait to see of you at Christmas. Love You!!!

Drue said...

Happy Halloween by the way!!!

cassandra and zachary said...

good job, Hannah. Hey, what happened to us? Are we even friends anymore? We have to get together again soon so that I can get another speeding ticket. :)

Tiffany Rose said...

by the way how did you get the "blogs I read" on your blog?

Anonymous said...

Wow, Hannah, sounds like you and your Mom really listened to God's voice in your lives. What a great assignment. I'm happy about the rewards that you will be receiving too. Blessed beyond measure! Really cool!