Saturday, August 09, 2008

6 Random Things.

Oh man. So I haven't updated this thing in a while. But one of my good friends, Anna, from West Virginia has tagged me to do a post about 6 random things. I figured this would give me an excuse to update. So I was sitting trying to think of 6 random things about me. I'm really not all the random or have that many interesting things about me. So we'll see how this goes.

1.  I love to eat chips with mustard. People think it is absolutely disgusting, but I love it! The kids at my new school eat it all the time and they got me hooked on it. I recommend you try it before you say anything bad about it =).
2.  I absolutely love weddings, but I think most people already know that about me. I've basically been planning my wedding since I was in the 5th grade. I love to watch all the wedding shows. I've always just been in love with them.
3.  I'm kind of stealing this one from Anna, but I honestly can not think of anything. But I have never ridden on a roller coaster. I have always been terrified of them, but our youth group is going to Six Flags in September, and I've already been told by my friends that they will drag me on more than one. So we'll see how that goes.
4.  I have an addiction to Dunkin' Donuts French Vanilla Iced Coffees and their chocolate chip cookies. There have been days when I've had 3 medium iced coffees in one day. It's definitely a bad addiction, but they're just amazing. It's kind of how Tiffany is with Diet Dr. Pepper's.
5.  I love to go to baseball games, especially my cousin Devin's games. I just love the whole atmosphere with the parents and everything. They're always a lot of fun.
6. Texting is my obsession. It's pretty bad too. If you see me, then I will probably be texting, but if I'm not, then my phone will be right there in my hand.
6 people I tag:
1. Rachael
2. Tiffany
3. Megan
4. Zach or Cass
5 and 6. Anyone else who wants to do this. 
So that's it. Maybe I'll start updating this more now. I highly doubt it though.

Sunday, February 03, 2008

It's Here.

We're moving Tuesday. I know. What a good way to start a new post. But it's finally here. We went and picked my daddy up at the airport on Thursday and I was so excited to see him! I hadn't seen him in a month!!! My last day was Tuesday and honestly, it wasn't as hard as I thought it was going to be. I only cried at the end of the day. We packed pretty much the rest of the week. Yesterday (Saturday) we had about 22 people that came and helped us pack up the moving truck. It was a tough day. So emotionally and physically draining. We're staying at my aunt and uncles house for tonight and tomorrow since we have no furniture in our house. Tuesday we'll start up and we'll get in on Wednesday. We can get into our rental house on Saturday so we're going to be staying with some people for a few days. I think we're going to be starting school on Friday. It's going to be a weird week.

Please pray for us as we start this new chapter to our lives. We're all having mixed emotions about this right now and it's going to be tough for a while. We know that this is where God is calling us to go. We're going to help a church that really needs it. We're doing the right thing. God is going to be with us every step of the way, but it's still going to be hard.
To all my friends in West Virginia:
I love you guys so much! You have been absolutely amazing. I'm going to miss you so much, but we'll still be friends. You all need to come and visit me! I'll be down to visit too. I have so many memories with you guys and I will never forget them. You guys will always be in my heart. Best friends forever. It's a promise.

Monday, January 14, 2008

Moving Update and Andy

I know. I know. Posting 2 times so close to each other is a miracle! haha. But I got more information about the house so I figured I would let you guys know. We're not going to be getting that house. It's not the one the my mom really likes. So we're just waiting now..I guess. I really have no idea what's going on. Things are very confusing and we're taking it day by day and for anyone that really knows me, knows how hard that is for me. I like to know what's happening and what's going, and I am not patient at all. I guess this is God saying, "Here you go Hannah. Here's your chance to practice patience." All I know right now is that I'm going to school at least through Friday, then we have to see what happens. The projected move date is the weekend after next. But that'll probably change tomorrow the way that things are going right now.

On Saturday afternoon, I went to the Salvation Army with Sam, Anna, Donna, and Delaney and we fed the homeless. There was a guy, Andy, there who told us pretty much his life story. haha. But sometimes I guess people just need someone to listen to him. He has had an amazing life. He had horrible times, close to death times, and heart-warming times. Through it all though, he praised God. He was an alcoholic for years and now his is 10 years sober. I mean, his story is just amazing. I loved talking to him and listening to his story about all that he's endured. He asked Anna and I why were we there. He said, "It's a Saturday night. You girls should be out on dates. Wouldn't you be anywhere else?" and we said, "Of course not." He was a such a cool guy and I wish I could see him again. He asked us to pray for him and his back. If his back doesn't straighten up, then he was to have surgery and he really doesn't want to have to have surgery. So just remember him in your prayers please.

Friday, January 11, 2008

Housing Update!

As of now, we have no idea when we are moving. We thought it was going to be next Saturday, but now we're not really sure. It all depends on the housing situation up there. We have offered on a house and are just waiting to hear back from them. I like the house a lot.

This is the house. ^^^ ^^^This is the house we offered on. This is what it looked like when mom and dad went to look at it in December.
So my mom and I are going back to Honduras in June this summer!!! I am so excited!! We were thinking that we wouldn't be able to go, but we are! The school is going to let me take finals early, or just take them when I get back! I'm so happy.
I started reading a new book, Starving Jesus: Off The Pew, Into The World by Craig Gross and JR Mahon. I'm on the third chapter but it is such a good book!!! I do highly recommend it!!

Wednesday, January 02, 2008

New Year.

It's the start of 2008 and everything is going to be totally different this year.
2007 was a great year! With Winterfest, youth group get togethers, Honduras, work camp, youth rallies, and just fun times with my friends. I became closer with friends and made totally new friends that I wouldn't be able to live without. I had amazingly fun times with my friends, times that I will never forget.
2008 is going to be the start of new part of my life. With a new house, a new school, a new church, and new friends. The first couple months are going to be crazy with trying to settle in a making new friends. Hopefully it will be a good year.